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Finding Your PQ

Everything has a price. Finding your passions is priceless. 

Coach K

Passion Quest


Coach K


Princeton NJ



Your personal PQ is unique

Our research shows that people live to assert their unique set of passion that defines who they are from within.

This inner motivation can be measured in sixteen dimensions that result in billions of possible combinations, each of which distinctly represents an individualized passion.

Your PQ Profile

PQ Dynamics  

16 PQs 

Your Being

Your Being


PQ Report Card

PQ Report Card

Value-based happiness is a sense that our lives have meaning and fulfill some larger purpose.

PQ Report Card

PQ Report Card

It represents a spiritual source of satisfaction, stemming from our unique set of passions.

Finding ME

Finding ME

in that unique drive within

PQ Report Card

PQ Report Card

billions of possible combinations

Finding Me
RMP Report

RMP Global Data

Your Data is Backed by

Motivation Science 

Reiss Motivation Profile

Global Data (America, Europe, Asia)

Complete Report

Online Test


Building We





Showcase Clients


國際企業人力資源部門指定採用的適性測驗(Passion Assessment) 協助常春藤名校營學生找尋自己的熱情與興趣,瞭解自我領袖特質



Challenge: As a global company, iVicon has been building its team from ground up to serve their customers in the field of youth empowerment. At current stage, finding and raising up the leaders is a key to expand its workforce to next level. Orange Leader: CEO James Liu has been working with Coach K to provide a corporate wide PQ training & tools for team building & empowerment.

HASSE (Education NPO)

HASSE (Education NPO)

Challenge: Working to promote science with young people age from 7 to 24 can be a taunting task if students are not properly motivated. Orange Leader: Founder James Liu has been a visionary leader to engage his TAs, students & parents on character & team building. Working with Coach K, James incorporated PQ into his curriculum to educate, empower & encourage his team to pursuit excellence with passion.



Challenge: How to lead a team with high passions on idealism (to make the world better) and beauty (fashion, arts, entertainment)? Orange Leader: CEO Robert Chou invited Coach K and team to conduct a session on PQ team building. Robert has successfully built a team that is highly motivated by their idealism. By the nature of their fields in entertainment & media, this team is highly talent and passionate about beauty: arts & fashion.



janssen (Johonson & Johnson)

janssen (Johonson & Johnson)

Nam Sing Bio Tech

Nam Sing Bio Tech

Challenge: Entering into 7th year in biotech business focusing on beauty products, Nam Sing is looking for a focal point that defines their new growth area. Orange Leader: Founder & GM Kerry Liu invited Coach K to sit down with her team. Through team PQ building exercise, a powerful new product concept was born based on a collective efforts to find corporate passion.

AAMS (Internet Marketing Firm)

AAMS (Internet Marketing Firm)

Story: Internet markets are rapidly changing based on information & traffic. As a internet marketing firm, AAMS thrives on connecting effectively with customers on social media. Challenge: Marketing team & technology team need to find a common ground where to move the ball forward with focus. Orange Leader: CEO Ruben Lin invited Coach K to conduct a session on PQ team building to provide an assessment in AAMS's leadership team.



Challenge: In an industry where retention rate is less than 10% over 4 years, recruitment must come with both numbers, qualifications and, most importantly, a grit factor. Orange leader: VP Luke Tung has been working with Coach K to provide his recruits & team a complete PQ set to evaluate their talents and motivation.

5 Rock Academy (Education NPO)

5 Rock Academy (Education NPO)

Story: Established since 2009, 5 Rock has been serving youth through their unique leadership training program. Challenge: Look for an effective tool to assess student's motivation & passion. Orange leader: 5 Rock team has been using PQ academic program from Enlighting to provide an effective tool to their students.



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