Scholarly Publications & Books by Steven Reiss
Scientific Articles You Can Download
Havercamp, S. M., & Reiss, S. (2003). A comprehensive assessment of human strivings: Test-retest reliability and validity of the Reiss Profile.Journal of Personality Assessment, 81, 123-132. (Click here to download.)
Reiss, S. (2009). Six motivational reasons for low school achievement. Child and Youth Care Forum, 38, 219-225. (Click here to download.)
Reiss, S. (2004). Multifaceted nature of intrinsic motivation: The theory of 16 basic desires. Review of General Psychology, 8, 179-193. (Clickhere to download.)
Reiss, S., Wiltz, J., & Sherman, M. (2001). Trait motivational correlates of athleticism. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1139-1145. (Click here to download.)
Other Scholarly Articles
Engel, G., Olson, K.R., & Patrick, C. (2002). The personality of love: Fundamental motives and traits related to components of love. Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 839-853.
Froiland, J.M. (2011). Parental autonomy support and student learning goals: A preliminary examination of an intrinsic motivation intervention.Child and Youth Care Forum, 40, 135-149.
Mengel, T. (2012). High potential can be deceiving - Utilizing the Reiss Motivation Profile® in HR and leadership development. FMI Journal, 10-12.
Mengel, T. (2012). Leading with "emotional" intelligence - Existential and motivational analysis in leadership and leadership development.Journal on Educational Psychology, 5, 17-25.
Olson, K. R. (2007). Research on fundamental motives. In L. Brown (Ed.), Psychology of Motivation. Hauppauge, Ny: Nova Science Publishers, 1-3.
Olson, K.R., & Chapin, B. (2007). Relations of fundamental motives and psychological needs to well-being and intrinsic motivation. In P. Zelick (Ed.), Issues in the Psychology of Motivation. Hauppauge, Ny: Nova Science Publishers, 232-243.
Olson, K.R., & Weber, D. (2004). Relations between Big Five traits and fundamental motives. Psychological Reports, 97, 795-802.
Reiss, S. (2005). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation at 30: Unresolved scientific issues. Behavior Analyst, 28, 1-14.
Reiss, S. (2004). The 16 strivings for God. Zygon, 39, 303-320.
Reiss, S. (2000). Why people turn to religion: A motivational analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 39, 47-52.
Reiss, S., & Havercamp, S. M. (2005). Motivation in development context: A new method of studying self-actualization. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 45, 41-53.
Reiss, S., & Havercamp, S. M. (1998). Toward a comprehensive assessment of fundamental motivation. Psychological Assessment, 10, 97-106.
Reiss, S., & McNally, R.J. (1985). Expectancy model of fear. In S. Reiss and R.R. Bootzin (Eds.), Theoretical Issues in Behavior Therapy. New York: Academic Press, 107-121.
Reiss, S., Peterson, R.A., Gursky, D.M., & McNally, R.J. (1986). Anxiety sensitivity, anxiety frequency, and the prediction of fearfulness.Behavior Research and Therapy, 24, 1-8.
Reiss, S., & Reiss, M. (2004) Curiosity and mental retardation: Beyond IQ. Mental Retardation, 42, 77-81.
Reiss, S., & Sushinsky, L.W. (1975). Overjustification, competing responses, and the acquisition of intrinsic interest. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31, 1116-1125.
Reiss, S., & Wiltz, J. (2004). Why people watch reality TV. Media Psychology, 6, 363-378.
Wiltz, J., & Reiss, S. (2003). Compatibility of housemates with mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 108, 173-180.
Reiss, S. (2013). The Reiss Motivation Profile: What Motivates You? Worthington, OH: IDS Publishing Corporation. (Available
Reiss, S. (2013). Myths of Intrinsic Motivation. Worthington, OH: IDS Publishing Corporation. (Available from
Reiss, S. (2010). Human Needs and Intellectual Disabilities: Applications for Person Centered Planning, Dual Diagnosis, and Crisis Intervention. Kingston, Ny: NADD. (Available from
Reiss, S. (2008). The Normal Personality: A New Way of Thinking about People. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Available
Reiss, S. (2000). Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Personalities. New York: Tarcher/Putnam. (Available from
German-Language Books (Available from
Brand, M., & Ion, F. K. (2011). Die 16 Lebensmotive in der Praxis: Das Reiss Profile in Training, Coaching und Beratung. (Taschenbuch - September 2011).
Ion, F. K., & Brand, M. (2009). Motivorientiertes Führen: Führen auf Basis der 16 Lebensmotive nach Steven Reiss.
Ion, F. K., & Brand, M. (2008). 30 Minuten für mehr Work-Life-Balance durch die 16 Lebensmotive.
Reiss, S. (2009) Wer bin ich und was will ich wirklich?: Mit dem Reiss-Profile die 16 Lebensmotive erkennen und nutzen.
Reiss, S. (2009). Das Reiss Profile: Die 16 Lebensmotive. Welche Werte und Bedürfnisse unserem Verhalten zugrunde liegen von Steven Reiss.
Reyss. A., & Birkhahn, T. (2009). Kraftquellen des Erfolgs - Das Reiss Profile Praxisbuch. Worauf es im Leben wirklich ankommt und wie Sie die 16 Lebensmotive im Alltag nutzen von Neu kaufen.